Online Baccarat Betting Strategy Win 100%

Online Baccarat Betting Strategy

Baccarat card games are one of the most popular betting card games today. This is an extremely attractive betting game with simple gameplay that brings high winning rates, so it is chosen by many players. To participate in the game, let’s learn useful betting strategies with Jolibet!

A few words about the Baccarat card game

Before learning about the Baccarat card game strategy, players should join the Jolibet dealer to learn about this extremely attractive card game. It is known that the origin of this card game dates back a long time ago, it was once an entertainment game of the British royal family in the past. Later, it was developed into a Baccarat betting game and is present in popular traditional casinos around the world.

When online betting developed, the famous Jolibet dealer throughout Asia also had to participate in this card game. This is a card game that is considered to have the best gameplay, the most unique and attractive betting style, and is very suitable for betting to win money.

When participating in this card game, players need to have experience playing games, betting experience, and a strong mentality. Luck is not a very important factor, but winning or losing depends on your betting prediction ability. The player with the highest card is not necessarily the winner, but the player who reaches the final betting round and has a good card value!

A few words about the Baccarat card game
A few words about the Baccarat card game

What is the payout ratio in Baccarat betting?

Before participating in the game, it is extremely important for you to have a firm grasp of the betting exchange rate or analyze the probability of winning the bet. Let’s find out the exact information about Baccarat odds with Jolibet:

Accordingly, each online playground will give you a different payout ratio, depending on each game and betting room, this number fluctuates greatly. For players participating in Jolibet, one of the most prestigious playgrounds today, you will win an average betting bet with 3 doors: banker, player, and tie. In which:

  • The tie bet ratio is the highest payout ratio up to 1:11, meaning when you bet 1 coin and win, the bonus is 11 coins. However, this bet has a very low chance of winning, only about 3-10%, so most bettors will ignore this bet.
  • Bookie odds: Bookie odds are the odds with the highest chance of winning, up to 55%, this is the probability of betting when participating in 1000 games. Corresponding to the extremely high winning rate, Jolibet offers a 1:0.95 payout for bookie odds for all betting rooms.
  • Player odds: Player odds, also known as player odds, have a 45% winning probability, and players win at a 1:1 payout ratio when participating in this bet!

Baccarat betting strategy to win 100%

Baccarat betting strategy to win 100%
Baccarat betting strategy to win 100%

To increase your chances of winning attractive bonuses with this card game, players should learn some good tips for playing the game with Jolibet:

Use the 1:1 betting strategy

One of the first betting strategies that the house wants to introduce to you is the 1:1 betting strategy. This way of playing is applied from the repetition rule of numbers, specifically, when you participate in this card game, the betting results table will be repeated because there are only 3 playing doors. In which, the tie bet is the betting door with an extremely low winning rate and the other two playing doors will take turns winning.

When you apply this betting style, players only need to follow the winning results table of previous bets. Applying the 1:1 betting strategy means placing the same bet on the previous bets to ensure you get the bonus!

Bait bets in the first game

Most of the players’ psychology in the first game is to win big, play fast, and win fast. However, the all-in bet in Baccarat does not seem to be an effective way to play the game and is recommended by experts.

On the contrary, professional players believe that the first games are just bait bets. Bait bets are small bets used for testing, in this game, you do not need to care too much about winning. Instead, you should spend this time observing other players at the table to understand the psychology and playing style of your opponents for the next games.

Bait bets in the first game
Bait bets in the first game


The above article has helped you learn useful information about the online Baccarat card game. Hopefully, the information shared by Jolibet will be useful for players in the betting process. Now, quickly register for a bookmaker game account and participate in the reward exchange right away!
